Landhaus, mit drei Schlafzimmern, Garten rundherum, herrlichem Blick auf das Tal von São Vicente, Grill und reichlich Platz zum Essen im Freien, für Familienurlaub auf Madeira.
Diese gemütliche Hütte bietet eine entspannende und einladende Atmosphäre. Mit 3 Schlafzimmern, verteilt auf zwei Doppelbetten und zwei Einzelbetten, hat das Haus die Kapazität, um bis zu 6 Gäste unterzubringen. Jedes Zimmer wurde sorgfältig eingerichtet, um ein Maximum an Komfort und Ruhe während Ihres Aufenthalts zu gewährleisten.
Das Haus bietet ein komplettes Badezimmer mit Dusche für die Bequemlichkeit der Gäste und auch 2 Sozialtoiletten, von denen sich eine außerhalb des Hauses befindet.
Der Garten, der das Haus umgibt, ist perfekt für Momente der Ruhe und Freizeit im Freien. Ein Grill und ein angenehmer Essplatz im Freien stehen Ihnen zur Verfügung, damit Sie Ihre Mahlzeiten und den Panoramablick auf das Tal von São Vicente genießen können.
Um einen ruhigen und sorglosen Aufenthalt zu gewährleisten, bietet diese Unterkunft auch einen Parkplatz für die Gäste.
Dies ist der ideale Ort für diejenigen, die eine Pause von der Hektik der Stadt suchen, eine einzigartige Atmosphäre für Momente der reinen Erholung und den Wunsch, sich mit der Natur zu verbinden.
Ob für einen romantischen Kurzurlaub, einen Familienausflug oder ein Abenteuer mit Freunden, dieses Haus bietet alle Annehmlichkeiten und Einrichtungen für einen unvergesslichen Aufenthalt.
Die Immobilie befindet sich im nördlichen Teil der Insel, genauer gesagt in Rosário, Gemeinde der Gemeinde São Vicente. Da es sich um eine eher abgelegene Gegend handelt, finden Sie in der Nähe des Grundstücks keinerlei Handel. Eine zehnminütige Fahrt vom Dorf São Vicente entfernt finden Sie lokale Geschäfte, Restaurants, einen Supermarkt und eine Apotheke.
In der Nähe des Hauses finden Sie den Miradouro do Rosário und Zugang zu mehreren Wanderwegen und Levadas, wo Sie die Gelegenheit nutzen können, um zu spazieren und die Insel zu erkunden.
Die Stadt Funchal ist 45 Minuten mit dem Auto entfernt.
Wenn Sie sich dafür entscheiden, ins Zentrum von Funchal zu fahren, nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, die Stadt zu erkunden und sich über alle möglichen Aktivitäten zu informieren, die Sie während Ihres Urlaubs unternehmen können: kulturelle Aktivitäten, radikale Aktivitäten, Aktivitäten im Zusammenhang mit der Natur ... was auch immer der Zweck Ihres Besuchs auf der Insel Madeira sein mag!
Die beste Möglichkeit, um zum Haus zu gelangen, ist ein Transfer. Bitten Sie uns, einen solchen mit unseren lokalen Partnern zu organisieren. Er ist billiger als die Taxis, die Sie am Flughafen finden. Wenn Sie ein Auto mieten, wird jede Navigations-App die Adresse leicht finden.
Es gibt eine Bushaltestelle 2 Minuten zu Fuß von der Wohnung entfernt.
Sie haben Zugang zu allen Bereichen des Grundstücks.
Wir sind immer verfügbar, um zu helfen oder Fragen zu beantworten. Wir tun unser Bestes, um alle Anfragen zu beantworten. Wir haben auch eine App für Gäste mit allen wichtigen Informationen über das Anwesen und andere nützliche Informationen für Ihren Aufenthalt.
- Nach portugiesischem Recht müssen alle Gäste einen gültigen Ausweis vorlegen. (Reisepass oder Personalausweis).
- Die Check-in-Zeit muss im Voraus festgelegt werden. Wenn der Check-in nicht innerhalb von 48 Stunden im Voraus vereinbart wird, hängt er von der Verfügbarkeit unseres Teams ab.
- Bettwäsche und Handtücher werden zur Verfügung gestellt. Bei Bedarf können wir auch ein Babybett, einen Hochstuhl und eine Babywanne bereitstellen, aber Sie sollten dies anfragen. Es gibt einen Erste-Hilfe-Kasten, Feuerlöscher und eine Feuerlöschdecke im Haus.
Wir möchten, dass Sie sich wie zu Hause fühlen. Wir bitten Sie lediglich um Rücksichtnahme auf die Nachbarn und den Schutz des Grundstücks sowie darum, im Haus nicht zu rauchen.
Mehr anzeigenΕπαγγελματική λίστα που διαχειρίζεται ο An Island ApartGenehmigungsnummer 148941/AL
Free cancellation up to 14 day(s) before arrival. then 100% cancellation fee.
Free cancellation up to 14 day(s) before arrival, then 100% cancellation fee.
Free cancellation up to 14 days before check-in. If the reservation is made less than 14 days before check-in, the cancellation is free up to 48 hours after the reservation, up to a maximum of 5 days before check-in.
After that, guests may cancel up to 5 days prior to check-in and receive a refund of the price per night and the cleaning fee, but not of the service fee.
Die Unterkunft ist sehr schön und entspricht den Fotos. Der Garten war sehr gepflegt und die Aussicht sehr schön. Die Gegend war sehr ruhig, man braucht auf jeden Fall ein Auto um einkaufen oder esse
Kushal B. · Feb. 2025
The property is amidst the hills with a view of a far away ocean. It’s extremely appealing interiors draw your attention quite quickly. On the outside the apartment has everything you need f
• 49 Bewertungen
Zustand der Immobilie
3.9 ·
4.8 ·
5 ·
Nicole P.
4 •
Feb. 2025
Die Unterkunft ist sehr schön und entspricht den Fotos. Der Garten war sehr gepflegt und die Aussicht sehr schön. Die Gegend war sehr ruhig, man braucht auf jeden Fall ein Auto um einkaufen oder essen zu gehen. Der Vermieter war jederzeit erreichbar, der checkin lief unkompliziert.
Leider ist das Haus ein wenig in die Jahre gekommen und abgenutzt. Die Küchenschränke rochen muffig, die Spülmaschine machte nicht richtig sauber, Garderobenhaken waren locker, Steckdosen teilweise nicht verkleidet - um mal ein paar Beispiele zu nennen.
An Island Apart
Feb. 2025
Vielen Dank für Ihr wertvolles Feedback. Es freut uns zu hören, dass Ihnen die Lage und der Garten gefallen haben und dass der Check-in reibungslos verlief.
Wir bedauern jedoch, dass einige Aspekte der Unterkunft nicht Ihren Erwartungen entsprochen haben.
Ihr Feedback ist für uns sehr wichtig, da es uns hilft, unseren Service stetig zu verbessern. Wir hoffen, Sie in Zukunft wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen und Ihnen dann eine noch angenehmere Erfahrung zu bieten.
Kushal B.
3 •
Feb. 2025
The property is amidst the hills with a view of a far away ocean. It’s extremely appealing interiors draw your attention quite quickly. On the outside the apartment has everything you need for a short stay. The beds were extremely comfortable. The apartment has just 1 bathroom and 2 washrooms. If you are a group of 4 or 6 this could be a problem. The hot water is very limited (sufficient for 2 persons only) making it extremely difficult during winter times to have a shower. In the listing it say 3 bathroom which is false information.
The house is heated by electric heaters, they are limited in number, hence you will have to relocate them between the living room and bed rooms.
The dishwasher despite looking modern has a very poor performance!
An Island Apart
Feb. 2025
Thank you for your detailed feedback.
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused by the bathroom and heating arrangements. Your feedback is extremely valuable to us, and we will look into these aspects for future guests.
Once again, thank you for your feedback, and we hope to have the opportunity to better serve you in the future.
Haiyan Y.
5 •
Jan. 2025
Very easy to communicate, great help from local staff!
An Island Apart
Jan. 2025
Thank you for your fantastic review! We're thrilled to hear that you had a wonderful experience with us, especially with our local staff and communication. We always strive to provide the best service to our guests. This will certainly help us to improve our service for future guests. We hope to welcome you back again soon at An Island Apart.
David B.
5 •
Jan. 2025
Lovely, spacious, well-equipped property.
An Island Apart
Jan. 2025
Thank you for your wonderful feedback and perfect rating. We're thrilled to hear that you found our property to be lovely, spacious and well-equipped. It's always great to know that our guests are satisfied with their stay. Please remember An Island Apart for your future travels, we would be delighted to host you again.
Dalila A.
5 •
Dez. 2024
House is very well maintained, fully equipped kitchen, everything was decorated to an excellent standard. Would definitely stay again 🥰 Nothing. Everything was amazing.
An Island Apart
Jan. 2025
Thank you for your wonderful review! We're thrilled to hear that your stay at An Island Apart surpassed your expectations and that you enjoyed our well-maintained house and fully equipped kitchen. We always strive to provide the best standards for our guests. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and we are excited to welcome you back in the future. Thank you once again for your kind words and for choosing to stay with us.
Guillaume N.
4 •
Dez. 2024
Parfaitement placé et très agréable. Cependant la literie n'était pas agréable et l'appartement avait été traité avec un produit très désagréable à notre arrivée. Sinon le jardin, le salon et la salle de bain étaient top !
An Island Apart
Jan. 2025
Merci pour vos commentaires. Nous sommes ravis d'apprendre que vous avez apprécié la localisation, le jardin, le salon et la salle de bain. Nous nous excusons pour l'inconfort concernant la literie et le produit utilisé avant votre arrivée. Nous prenons vos commentaires au sérieux et nous allons travailler à améliorer ces aspects pour nos futurs invités. Encore merci pour votre retour et nous espérons vous accueillir de nouveau à l'avenir.
Luis K.
3 •
Dez. 2024
Das Haus ist gut gelegen. Bietet einen einzigartigen Blick in das Tal. Man muss sich bewusst sein, dass im Winter hier (Norden der Insel) wenig Sonne ist. Trotzdem top Lage Bäckereien und Restaurants in Reichweite mit dem Auto.
An Island Apart
Jan. 2025
Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Es freut uns zu hören, dass Ihnen die Lage unseres Hauses und der einzigartige Blick ins Tal gefallen hat. Wir schätzen Ihre Anmerkung bezüglich der Sonnenverhältnisse im Winter und werden dies in unseren Beschreibungen zukünftig berücksichtigen. Es ist uns wichtig, dass unsere Gäste die bestmögliche Erfahrung haben. Ihre Rückmeldung ist sehr wertvoll für uns, um unseren Service weiter zu verbessern. Vielen Dank, dass Sie uns gewählt haben und wir hoffen, Sie bald wieder begrüßen zu dürfen.
Arwa A.
5 •
Dez. 2024
البيت جميل و الإطلاله خياليه ، المرافق ممتازه
و النظافة رائعة ..
منظر النافذة الزجاجية كاللوحة الطبيعية .
و وجود المدافئ الممتازة لتدفئة البيت.
أيضاً توفر مرافق الشواء و الطبخ و أدوات الطبخ
توفر بعض البهارات الأساسيه .
لقد استمتعت وزوجي في قضاء إجازتنا هنا . عدم توفر شطّاف لدورة المياه ، وهذا مهم خصوصا
للطهارة للمسلمين ..
عدم توفر الحطب و توفيره لاحقاً لكن أعتذرو وشكرا لهم.
An Island Apart
Dez. 2024
شكراً لك على ملاحظاتك الرائعة. نحن سعداء للغاية بأنك استمتعت بإقامتك في منزلنا الجميل وأنك وجدت المرافق ممتازة والنظافة رائعة. ونحن نقدر ملاحظاتك حول عدم توفر شطاف لدورة المياه والحطب، ونعتذر إذا كانت هذه الأشياء قد سببت لك أي إزعاج. سنأخذ بعين الاعتبار ملاحظاتك القيمة حتى نتمكن من تحسين خدماتنا للإقامات المستقبلية. نأمل أن نرحب بك مرة أخرى في المستقبل القريب.
Nils H.
5 •
Nov. 2024
We stayed for 2 weeks with 4 people working remotely and loved the accommodation. The internet is extremely fast, the house is equipped with everything you need and you have enough space to spend time together and apart. We also used the outdoor barbecue space, as well as the different relax areas outside.
If you are looking for a place in Madeira where you actually want to spend time at - this is the place!
An Island Apart
Nov. 2024
Agradecemos imensamente o seu comentário detalhado e por compartilhar sua experiência conosco. Ficamos felizes em saber que, no geral, considerou sua estadia excelente e que apreciou a disponibilidade inicial para ajudá-lo.
Pedimos desculpas pela confusão relacionada às chaves e pela falta de comunicação clara sobre o local das máquinas de lavar, secar e o ferro de engomar. Já tomamos nota para melhorar a forma como essas informações são apresentadas aos nossos hóspedes, evitando que situações semelhantes ocorram no futuro.
Agradecemos sua paciência e compreensão, e esperamos ter a oportunidade de recebê-lo novamente para uma experiência ainda melhor. 😊
Rafael L.
5 •
Okt. 2024
We had an amazing stay. I will try to keep it short. Very nice house, very friendly host and nice surroundings. I would recommend this place and the host!!
An Island Apart
Okt. 2024
Thank you for your wonderful feedback! We are thrilled to hear that you had an amazing stay at our place. Your kind words about the house, the surroundings, and our friendly hosting warm our hearts. It's great to know that we could contribute to your experience. We truly appreciate your recommendation and look forward to welcoming you again at An Island Apart. Best Regards An Island Apart Team
Alice B.
5 •
Okt. 2024
A truly wonderful home with lots of space indoors and out. Well equipped. Only slight downside was that the bar/snack cafe that would have been walkable seemed to always be shut. Bedrooms really spacious and loved the fridge with the instant ice etc. would definitely stay again.
An Island Apart
Okt. 2024
Thank you for your kind words and excellent rating! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your stay at An Island Apart and particularly appreciated the spaciousness of our home and the amenities we provide. We're sorry to hear about the inconvenience with the local bar/snack cafe, and we appreciate your feedback on this. We're constantly looking for ways to enhance the experience of our guests and we'll certainly take this into consideration. We'd love to host you again in the future and continue to meet your expectations. Thanks again for your valuable feedback! Best Regards An Island Apart Team
Emma G.
5 •
Okt. 2024
If I ever return to Madeira, I’d love to book this casita again! It was serene with plenty of space to lounge and be comfortable. The views were absolutely insane, too. It exceeded our expectations.
An Island Apart
Okt. 2024
Thank you for your wonderful review! We're thrilled to hear that the casita exceeded your expectations and that you enjoyed the serene atmosphere and stunning views. We would love to welcome you back if you ever return to Madeira! Best Regards An Island Apart Team
Aliis V.
5 •
Sept. 2024
An amazing experience surrounded by the breathtaking nature, vast open spaces, and tranquility of São Vicente. The building itself was impressive, with thoughtful design and great functionality. A truly enjoyable stay!
An Island Apart
Okt. 2024
Thank you for your wonderful feedback! We are thrilled to hear that you had an amazing experience at An Island Apart. Your kind words encourage us to further strive for excellence. We look forward to welcoming you back for another truly enjoyable stay!
Reem I.
5 •
Sept. 2024
We had a great time staying here! The home is beautiful and our house was always helpful
An Island Apart
Sept. 2024
Thank you for your glowing review! We're thrilled to hear that you had a great time staying with us at An Island Apart. Your positive feedback about the beauty of our home and the helpfulness of our staff truly warms our hearts. We noticed that cleanliness was rated a bit lower and we appreciate you bringing this to our attention. We're always looking for ways to improve and your feedback will help us make our service even better for future stays. We hope to welcome you back soon!
Vincent D.
5 •
Sept. 2024
Super séjour!
An Island Apart
Sept. 2024
Merci pour votre excellente évaluation ! Nous sommes très heureux d'apprendre que vous avez passé un agréable séjour chez nous. Votre retour nous aidera à améliorer encore davantage notre service pour les séjours futurs. Nous espérons que vous nous choisirez à nouveau pour votre prochain séjour.
Rodrigo A.
5 •
Aug. 2024
Espaço exterior , organização No comment
An Island Apart
Sept. 2024
Thank you for your wonderful feedback. We are thrilled that you enjoyed your stay at An Island Apart and particularly appreciated the outdoor space and organization. We understand that there's always room for improvement and your feedback is essential in guiding us to enhance our standards. We look forward to welcoming you back in the near future for another relaxing stay.
Nicholas P.
5 •
Aug. 2024
The home was even more beautiful than the pictures and the view was unbeatable. Hosts were very responsive and available to answer our questions. Overall we enjoyed our stay and would book again!
An Island Apart
Sept. 2024
We're thrilled to hear your wonderful feedback! It fills us with joy to know that you found our home even more beautiful than the pictures and that the view was unbeatable. We're also glad to hear you found us responsive and available for your queries. Your positive experience is exactly what we aim for at An Island Apart. We appreciate your comments and look forward to welcoming you back for another stay. Thank you!
Stephanie E.
4 •
Aug. 2024
Beautiful location with stunning views- a real gem and well worth being outside the bustle of Funchal.
What could have made it better? Kids’ toys, attention to some of the more tired facilities.
However we did love our stay and coming back here at the end of the day was a real treat.
An Island Apart
Sept. 2024
Thank you for your honest review. It's wonderful to hear that you enjoyed the stunning views and found the location to be a real gem. We appreciate your feedback on how we can further improve our facilities and services. We're grateful for your suggestions about the kids' toys and attention to some of the facilities. It's feedback like yours that helps us to continually improve. We're thrilled that you loved your stay and that coming back at the end of the day was a real treat for you. We hope to welcome you back in the future.
Seibert H.
4 •
Aug. 2024
Rundum guter Eindruck dieses für uns fünf großzügigen Hauses. Sehr neuwertig, ausgezeichnete Küchenausstattung, Außengelände zum Wohlfühlen mit toller Aussicht. Auto nötig. Sehr solider, wertiger Eindruck. Sehr gute Ausstattung von Bad und Toilette. Großer Fernseher, Internet - fähig. Leichte Störung durch nächtliches Hundegebell. Es war recht schwierig, in die Toreinfahrt schräg einzufahren. W-Lan war nicht in allen Zimmern verfügbar. Für das Bad fehlte ein Schlüssel.
An Island Apart
Sept. 2024
Vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung und für Ihr wertvolles Feedback. Es freut uns sehr zu hören, dass Sie einen guten Eindruck von unserem großzügigen Haus hatten und die ausgezeichnete Küchenausstattung sowie die tolle Aussicht genossen haben.
Wir entschuldigen uns für die nächtlichen Störungen durch Hundegebell und die Schwierigkeiten beim Einparken. Ihre Anmerkungen zum W-Lan und dem fehlenden Schlüssel für das Bad nehmen wir sehr ernst und werden diese Punkte verbessern, um unseren Gästen zukünftig noch mehr Komfort zu bieten.
Wir schätzen Ihr Feedback sehr und hoffen, dass Sie trotz der kleinen Unannehmlichkeiten einen angenehmen Aufenthalt hatten. Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, Ihre Erfahrungen mit uns zu teilen.
Mélanie D.
5 •
Aug. 2024
La vue est magnifique, le jardin et la terrasse tellement agréables ! Maison très propre et confortable, bien située pour découvrir toute la côte nord. Nous avons passé un séjour très reposant !
An Island Apart
Sept. 2024
Merci pour votre commentaire positif. Nous sommes ravis que vous ayez apprécié la vue, le jardin et la terrasse. Nous sommes également heureux que vous ayez trouvé notre maison propre, confortable et bien située. Votre satisfaction est notre priorité. Nous avons noté votre appréciation de 4.0/5 pour le critère valeur pour l'argent. Nous chercherons à améliorer cela pour vous offrir une expérience encore meilleure lors de votre prochain séjour. Merci encore pour vos précieux commentaires. À très bientôt, nous espérons.
Jan I.
5 •
Juli 2024
The house has a lovely location and view a short drive from the road linking North and South coast of Madeira. It's therefore a good base to explore the various towns, coast and walks Madeira has to offer. The house it's self a a very comfortable and practical base, and a please to watch the light changing over the hills as you eat/drink. We really enjoyed our stay.
An Island Apart
Juli 2024
Thank you for sharing your experience staying with us. We're glad that you loved the lovely location and view of our property. It's great to hear that you found it to be a comfortable and practical base for exploring the various towns, coast, and walks Madeira has to offer. We appreciate your feedback on value for money and will take it into consideration as we continually strive to improve our guest experience. It was our pleasure to host you, and we hope to welcome you back for another memorable stay in the future.
Gina N.
4 •
Juli 2024
We had a very pleasant time at Casa do Rosário. Good communication and a great location. We enjoyed the view in the garden and all the facilities that were provided. In short a fantastic time in a wonderful residence and hospitality.
An Island Apart
Juli 2024
Thank you for your review. We're thrilled to hear that you had a pleasant time and enjoyed the view in the garden as well as our facilities. Your feedback on our communication and location is much appreciated. We're also glad to know that our residence and hospitality met your expectations. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future for another fantastic time. Your feedback is valuable to us as it helps us to continuously improve our services. Thank you for choosing us for your stay.
Kathi H.
5 •
Juli 2024
Haus war superschön und die Lage ist der Wahnsinn! Auto unserer Meinung nach unbedingt erforderlich, braucht man aber auf Madeira sowieso. Die Küche war super ausgestattet, sonst auch alles top! Wir wollten spontan noch 1 1/2 Stunden später auschecken - auch kein Problem! Wir würden das Haus jedem weiterempfehlen und auch gerne wiederkommen😇
An Island Apart
Juli 2024
Thank you very much for your great review! We are very pleased to hear that you enjoyed our house and location so much. We are also pleased that our well-equipped kitchen and flexible check-out were positive for you. We are sorry that there was a slight issue with the code - we apologize for this and thank you for bringing it to our attention. We will make sure that this does not happen again in the future. We look forward to welcoming you back to An Island Apart in the future.
Celeste D.
5 •
Juni 2024
Fantastic Airbnb stay. The flat looked even better than the photos. Only regret is that we didn't stay for longer!
An Island Apart
Juli 2024
It's truly fantastic to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. We're thrilled that the flat exceeded your expectations and that you found it to be even better than the photos. We always strive to create a memorable experience for our guests. Your only regret of not staying longer is the highest compliment for us! We look forward to the possibility of hosting you again in the future.
Maartje W.
5 •
Juni 2024
The house was very clean, more than enough space in and outside the house, big kitchen. Very complete, the garden had a nice terrace. But the best is the view from the house at the mountains, forest and all the birds singung around the house! We had a fantastic holiday!
An Island Apart
Juni 2024
Thank you for your wonderful review! We are thrilled to know that you enjoyed your stay at our property. It's great to hear that you found the house clean, spacious, and well-equipped. We are particularly delighted that you loved the garden, terrace, and the beautiful views of the mountains and forest. At An Island Apart, we strive to provide our guests with a memorable experience, and we are glad we were able to achieve that during your holiday.
We hope to welcome you back soon for another fantastic stay!
Jared B.
5 •
Juni 2024
It was an amazing stay in the middle of the magical mountains. We loved every second! Definitely rent a car as it is far from most places.
An Island Apart
Juni 2024
Thank you for your fantastic review! We are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your stay and loved every second in the magical mountains. Your tip about renting a car due to the location is greatly appreciated and will definitely be useful information for future guests. We are constantly striving to provide the best experience for our guests and your feedback is a big help. We are looking forward to welcoming you back to An Island Apart!
Sofie C.
5 •
Mai 2024
Amazing place with great views! Host was very responsive, house had everything you would need.
An Island Apart
Mai 2024
Thank you for your wonderful review! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the magnificent views and found our place to be well-equipped for your stay. Your kind words about our responsiveness are greatly appreciated. We noticed that cleanliness didn't quite meet your expectations and we truly appreciate your feedback. We'll certainly take this into consideration to ensure we improve our service for future visits. We hope to host you again at An Island Apart.
Daga J.
5 •
Mai 2024
An Island Apart
Mai 2024
Thank you for your wonderful feedback. We are thrilled to hear that you had a great experience with us at An Island Apart. It's always a pleasure to hear from our guests, and we're glad that you found everything to your liking. We look forward to welcoming you again for another great stay.
Kelly H.
5 •
Apr. 2024
What an incredible and special home! I felt sad leaving. The views are beautiful and the home was relaxing, clean, and perfect for our stay.
An Island Apart
Mai 2024
Thank you for your wonderful review! We're thrilled to hear that you had a great time at our place and found it to be incredible and special. We endeavor to keep our homes clean and comfortable for all guests and it's great to know that you had a relaxing stay. Your comments regarding the beautiful views are also appreciated. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back to An Island Apart in the future!
Itay Y.
5 •
Apr. 2024
everything wads perfect but the location was something really special. would come back with no hasitation
An Island Apart
Apr. 2024
Thank you so much for your kind words. We are thrilled to hear that everything was perfect for you and that you especially enjoyed our unique location. We love sharing the beauty of our special place with guests and it's always rewarding to hear when it's appreciated. We look forward to welcoming you back.
Brandon W.
5 •
März 2024
We loved our stay and the private nature of this property. The valley is beautiful and has such a peaceful environment.
An Island Apart
März 2024
Brandon * thank you for your nice comment. We are glad to know you enjoyed your stay with us. You will always be welcome at our properties.
Irina K.
5 •
März 2024
Мы провели потрясающее время в этом доме! Не хотелось вообще выходить из него. Панорамное окно в гостиной - лучшее кино которое можно смотреть бесконечно.
An Island Apart
März 2024
Irina thank you for your detailed feedback. Improving is always our aim, and we're swiftly addressing the mentioned issues. Looking forward to your next stay with us.
elodie p.
1 •
Feb. 2024
No comment La maison sent le renfermé.
An Island Apart
März 2024
Thank you for your comment. We appreciate your honesty and are sorry to hear that your experience was not up to standard. We take your comments regarding the smell in the house very seriously and will make the necessary improvements. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future and provide a better experience.
Rodrigo R.
5 •
Feb. 2024
It was just for a weekend but it was great. It's not a luxurious house but the location, outdoor space and view were amazing. Very comfortable and great ratio of money/accommodation.
An Island Apart
Apr. 2024
Thank you for your glowing review! We're thrilled you enjoyed your stay and appreciated the amazing view and outdoor space. Your feedback about the comfort and value of our property is greatly appreciated. We're glad to hear you found your stay at An Island Apart to be great. We hope to welcome you back for another wonderful weekend in the future.
Ben J.
5 •
Feb. 2024
Very peaceful villa with a great outdoor dining area and barbecue. Kitchen was well equipped. A car is a requirement with a great couple of restaurants a short 10 mins drive away and a cracking supermeercardo about 15mins away. All in, a nice 3 night accompaniment to a stay in Funchal to experience the beauty of the mountains with good access to myriad walking trails
An Island Apart
Feb. 2024
Hello Ben, your detailed feedback means a lot to us. We're genuinely delighted you had a fantastic stay. You're part of our guest family, and we eagerly await your next visit.
Andi D.
5 •
Feb. 2024
Great location with epic views, this house is very comfortable and has all the comforts of home. Great kitchen and BBQ area. Super fast wifi if you need to work. Very easy communication with the host, this was our favorite side of the island.
An Island Apart
Apr. 2024
Thank you so much for your wonderful review! We're thrilled that you loved the location and views of our property, and that you found the house comfortable with all the comforts of home. We're also glad that you appreciated the kitchen, BBQ area, and the super fast wifi. Your feedback about the easy communication with the host is much appreciated. We're really happy to hear that our property was your favorite side of the island. Thanks again for choosing to stay with us at An Island Apart. We hope to see you again soon!
Annie A.
5 •
Feb. 2024
The location is the selling point, and the house did not disappoint. The north of the island is wild and beautiful and well worth staying in the nature
An Island Apart
Feb. 2024
Annie your detailed feedback means a lot to us. We're genuinely delighted you had a fantastic stay. You're part of our guest family, and we eagerly await your next visit.
Guillemine M.
5 •
Feb. 2024
Très beau séjour dans cette jolie villa au milieu des montagnes! Besoin impératif d’un véhicule pour y accéder mais la location de voiture n’est pas chère du tout. Vue imprenable sur la vallée et extérieurs très chouettes ! Je recommande à tous
An Island Apart
Feb. 2024
Guillemine your positive feedback means a lot to us, and we're pleased that you had a good stay. You're invited to return whenever you like, and we eagerly await your next visit.
Dawid R.
5 •
Jan. 2024
Beautiful house with an amazing view. Very comfortable and well-equipped. The perfect place for a quiet holiday.
An Island Apart
Jan. 2024
Dawid thank you for the wonderful review! We strive to offer the best experience, and we're glad it reflected in your stay. Come back soon!
David G.
5 •
Jan. 2024
Belle et grande maison avec tout le confort nécessaire.
An Island Apart
Jan. 2024
Hi, Many thanks for your positive feedback. We are glad that it was a pleasant stay. You will always be welcome at our properties and we are looking forward to see you soon.
Marie B.
5 •
Jan. 2024
Very nice home with a beautiful view. Well furnished. Very convenient location to explore the north coast of the island. You just need a car a go around. Thanks!
An Island Apart
Jan. 2024
Marie thank you for your wonderful feedback! Your satisfaction is our goal. Our properties are open and waiting for your return, ensuring another fantastic stay.
Bernardo T.
5 •
Dez. 2023
I definitely reccomend this for people looking for a peaceful yet very exciting gateaway . Make sure you buy food .
An Island Apart
Dez. 2023
Hello Bernardo, Thank you for your positive feedback. We are glad to know that you had a great experience with us. Your satisfaction is our utmost priority, and we will continue to provide excellent service in the future. We look forward to welcoming you back again soon.
Jordanas V.
4 •
Okt. 2023
-Quiet location with great mountains view.
-Nice and comfortable house equipped with everything you might need.
-Big garden with terrace for grilling.
-Shop and petrol station very close to the house. -Somewhere in the descriptions it was mentioned that the house has several showers. Keep in mind that this house has only one shower/toilet on the second floor + separate toilet on the first floor.
-Musty smell in the living room.
-Loudly squeaking bed rooms' door handles.
An Island Apart
Okt. 2023
Hello Jordanas Vareika thank you so much for your detailed feedback, it’s really important for us to improve each day. We will take into account the issues you mentioned and fix it as soon as possible. You will always be welcome at our properties.
Chelsea B.
5 •
Okt. 2023
Linda was our host and she was amazing! She met us the first night and gave us wine and a cake. Also some local restaurant recs. This house far exceeds the pictures!! It is beautiful and the surroundings cant be beat. Our favorite airbnb stay ever.
An Island Apart
Okt. 2023
Hello Chelsea your positive feedback is greatly appreciated, and we're pleased that you had a comfortable stay with us. You're invited to return at any time, and we eagerly await your next visit.
Iiris Y.
4 •
Okt. 2023
The location of the villa is absolutely breathtaking! I’ve never stayed somewhere with such beautiful surroundings. Definitely value for money. Our host was really friendly and helpful and the possibility of a late check-out was amazing!
One minor flaw is that the house doesn’t have air conditioning and we felt that the indoor air had some humidity problems, especially in the kitchen (some of us reacted with headaches and sore throats). Unfortunately this is common in Southern Europe.
An Island Apart
Okt. 2023
Hello Iiris thank you so much for your detailed feedback, it’s really important for us to improve each day. We will take into account the issues you mentioned and fix it as soon as possible. You will always be welcome at our properties
Tomáš M.
5 •
Sept. 2023
Jedno z nejkrásnějších ubytování. Příjemné místo s kouzelným výhledem, možností parkování a grilem na krásné zahradě.
An Island Apart
Sept. 2023
Hello Tomas, Many thanks for your positive feedback. We are glad that it was a pleasant stay. You will always be welcome at our properties and we are looking forward to see you soon :)
5 •
Sept. 2023
Not only the site is gorgeous with an incredible mountain view, but the house itself is really wonderful.
There is a small supermarket and a bakery about 5 minutes by car, and of course, the amazing north side of the Island to discover.
We weren't blessed with the best weather, but even in the few times it rained, we had a lot of outside locations around the house were we could relax, or even barbecue!
If it didn't rain it was even better! So I recommend taking a good book, whatever meat/veggies you prefer for the barbecue, take long deep breaths and enjoy.
It's a really comfortable place to be in.
An Island Apart
Okt. 2023
Hello Emanuel we appreciate your positive feedback and are glad you had a good stay. You're welcome back anytime, and we hope to see you again soon.
William H.
5 •
Aug. 2023
The villa was absolutely gorgeous, it was easy to find with the address and information provided, the check in was exactly as described by the host. We were 4 but there was plenty of space for 6 adults.
The space was beautifully decorated and the view was stunning, we spent a lot of time using the outside area. Both the inside and outside kitchen were well supplied with anything you’d need.
The host was very friendly and responsive, great recommendations, especially with car hire. I would definitely suggest hiring a car as the villa is a long walk uphill from the nearest town.
We will definitely be staying again when we’re next in Madeira!
An Island Apart
Sept. 2023
Hello William, Many thanks for your positive feedback. We are glad that it was a pleasant stay. You will always be welcome at our properties and we are looking forward to see you soon :)
Martin M.
5 •
Aug. 2023
Wonderful house in beautiful settings. Very spacious and comfortable. Beautiful garden with a view. Probably the best accomodation we have ever had.
An Island Apart
Aug. 2023
Hello Martin, Thank you so much for your feedback. It’s really important for us to improve each day. You will be always welcome at our properties and we are looking forward to see you soon.🙂
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Im Stadtzentrum von Funchal, Tanoeiros Residence V
Sé, Funchal
28. Apr. - 3. Mai
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Luxus, Kunst und Eleganz - FAA Belas Artes 1
Sé, Funchal
8 - 10. Apr.
4.5 (49)
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Im Stadtzentrum von Funchal, Tanoeiros Residence I
Sé, Funchal
195,00 € → 6.586,00 €Nacht
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